Digital Garden

Here you will find some things that I’ve created that don’t quite fit into projects, and aren’t created frequently enough for me to call it a blog. Some guides, information, and other things that I’ve learned and want to share.


Two Modern Tools To Improve Your Wordpress Development Workflow

Lightning talk at WordCamp Ann Arbor 2019

I will share two tools that have changed how I work on WordPress sites.’s Bedrock and Sage 9 starter theme are a quick way to jump into more modern workflow. Both are packed with many tools and technologies, we will look at a handful of my favorites and how they have changed my work for the better. slides


MacOS developer setup (coming soon)

I’ve used HomeBrew and other tools to setup a MacOS developer environment that I’m happy with. I’ll be sharing my setup process and tools I use.


These are two security advisories I disclosed for LemonStand ( sadly no longer with us )


yeah I know I said this wasn’t a blog, but I’ve written a few things that I think are worth sharing.

Slow Food Movement for the Web


RFC specifications that people miss in email validation

I want to use gmail’s plus notation in my email on accounts but so many applications fail on the + I created this pedantic form letter of the RFC spec that are often missed.

Personal OhShitGit tips

I loved and have been referring to it for awhile now. But since they aren’t widely open to contributions I thought a fork of sorts would be nice to store the few new tips or issues I’ve run into and found a fix for. So here I’ve placed them in a gist.

Somewhat Classic Hangman

This is a hangman game I created in highschool. It is playable here with js-dos I made the images, character sprites, and built the interface with ascii characters. It was made in qBasic, a langauge I’d learned on my own from the manual I found in my home PC windows system folders. I’ve also explained a bit of how it is made.